Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX) Chapter Application

Type: LEX
Price: $250.00


Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX) is a national honor society in paralegal and legal studies. The purpose of LEX is to recognize persons who have demonstrated superior academic performance in an established program of paralegal or legal studies offered at an Institutional Member of AAfPE.

Interested in forming a LEX Chapter?  The cost to establish a LEX Chapter is $250.00. Thereafter, your institution must remit $50.00 for each student it wishes to induct into its Chapter of LEX at the time it submits the names of the student to AAfPE Headquarters. 

The institution named herein agrees to comply with and abide by all rules and regulations contained in the LEX Chapter Handbook and acknowledges receipt of a copy thereof. Said institution also agrees to comply with all requests for information, including the requirement that it include a written description of the method by which it calculates “one-half of the program requirements” as noted in the Charter when the institution submits the names of students to be inducted into LEX. Said institution further agrees to abide by the decisions of the National Coordinator of Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX).